Tittle: Guide to the conspiracy   

Copyright © RTPI nº TO-057-2019

Author: © Chris Door

Cover: Ilustration: © Stephan Cefalo  

Based in an idea of: © Chris Door


All rights reserved. Neither all nor part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any electronic or mechanical procedure, including photocopying, magnetic recording or any storage of information or reproduction system, without prior written permission from the copyright holders.



The engineering of species 

and humankind extinction:






"Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world because of the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, specially from less developed countries "


Henry Kissinguer



"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population"


Prince Phillip, Queen Elisabeth's husband



"A total world population of 200-300 million people, at 95% decline from present levels would be ideal"


Ted Turner, founder of CNN



"To really reduce population quickly, you have to kill the ills in fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females"

"The quickest way to reduce population is through disease like the Black Death"


Thomas Ferguson, State department Office of Population Affairs



My dear Lords and Ladies and my dear fellow citizens, subjected to so many lies and generational brainwashing for as many centuries and millennia, let us do an exercise of reflection. The problem is not and never has been the scarcity of resources, the problem, for anyone who has studied minimally the distribution of resources and wealth of any kind (Industrial, economic, food, commercial, etc.) at the state, national or global level of any country, time or civilization, it is and always has been the waste and misuse and distribution of those resources. The problem is not that there is not enough for everyone. The problem is that a few people have a lot.


You do not need to be an expert in the subject, you only need to have studied a bit of History to realize this because it is not a new problem but very old and that has led to multiple peasant rebellions and all kinds of the times and civilizations. And if not, you can ask a peasant tied to the land in the Middle Ages without ever being able to travel from birth who had to give the Lord 40% or more of his harvest in European feudal times, for example. At a time when talking about the rights of citizens was a utopia that could lead you to death, like so many activists today. A bit of historical rigor, of historical justice and a minimal deductive logic and a bit of plain and simple truth, please.


If the food were not enough for everyone, they would be no need to design infertile, seedles transgenic plants that die after a life cycle. Let's reflect, then, why is it necessary to reduce the population according to the minds of psychopaths? In my opinion, everything is reduced to CONTROL.


It is impossible to control a herd of millions of sheep with a single shepherd, no matter how good a shepherd you are. And therefore, to be able to spy on everyone, control everyone and subdue all slaves, those slaves must not exceed a default number that surely his studies of statistics already estimated how much it should be reduced to get docile slaves. As when you segregate animals to be docile, you do the same with human beings if you consider them as animals, lacking all ethics and humanity yourself. And more importantly, these slaves should not know that they live in a prison or that they are being exterminated or used as food. Every sheep that realizes this and tries to warn its comrades will be totally exterminated and silenced. Like Kennedy, like John Lennon and like so many millions of others that no-one will ever know.






"Sun Tzu said:


War is of vital importance to the State, because the battlefield is the place of life or death, the road that leads to safety or ruin. The art of war is governed by five fundamental factors that we must take into account in order to determine the conditions existing on the battlefield. The first of these factors is the moral law; the second, the weather; the third, the terrain; the fourth, the command, and the fifth, the doctrine.


The moral law causes the people to be in harmony with their rulers, so that they will follow them in life and in death, without fear of putting themselves in danger of death.


Climate means the interaction of natural forces. The effects of cold in winter and heat in summer, as well as the direction of military operations according to the annual seasons.


The terrain implies distances and refers to the greater or lesser ease that there is in traversing them, the cleared or closed nature of the terrain and the possibilities of survival that it offers.


Command represents the qualities of wisdom, equity, humanity, courage and discipline.


By doctrine it should be understood the organization, control, promotion of officers at a convenient range, regulation of supply routes and care to supply the essential needs of the army. All generals must know these five points. Those who dominate, succeed; those who are not, are defeated. "


--The Art of War. Sun Tzu: Chinese General who lived in the 6th-5th century BC--






Even two thousand and five years ago the importance of the weather in war is remarkable. "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or HAARP was a program funded by the United States Air Force and Navy, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the University of Alaska. "According to Wikipedia.


I will start by explaining the experiments told by the scientists of the HAARP facilities in videos that can easily be found on the internet and performed in the laboratory and explain their operation in detail. HAARP was a supposedly disused facility, but many more were built after all around the world, dedicated to climate control through radio frequencies and other methods. For example, artificially heating the atmosphere through microwave waves to make artificial anticyclones and prevent storms that can destroy crops or create destruction. But this combined with other methods such as the Chemtrails can provoke induced droughts in enemy countries robbing them of the rain as in fact denounced Iran in practices taken by Israel, according to them in 2018.


In these experiments you can see the scientists of the installation itself explaining not only how the climate can be manipulated by undoing or creating rain and storms but also how artificial earthquakes can be created. The scientist puts a loudspeaker as an example, making the surface on which it is located to rumble simply by sound waves. So, these waves can be used to create artificial earthquakes. They can also be used to discover underground materials or minerals according to the response and analysis of waves projected onto the ground. An experiment of a related scientist that was carried out, I believe that also in HAARP was the control of lightning so that they fell in a certain place which is very linked to the control of storms or hurricanes. This is something that Tesla already studied more than a hundred years ago.


The page is quite right to comment:


"Most people never even heard of HAARP, but in fact, HAARP installations exist and are most likely responsible for a lot of foul weather and earthquakes in the past 15 years. Investigate and you will find the facts. Or just stay ignorant and blissful. It's up to you.


Your Country / family / friends / patriots, fellow human beings, nature and our Mother Earth need you to "WAKE UP". This weapon was brought into the world over a hundred years ago by Nikola Tesla and patented by Bernard Eastlund.


 US PATENT # 4,686,605 "



I have not investigated the fact whether it was Tesla who created these weapons but surely their patents inspired or imitated them since Tesla is famous for his interest in controlling storms and lightning to be used as energy. But what I did investigate were these videos from HAARP's in which their own scientists describe the uses of the facilities and experiments carried out in the laboratory in the documentary itself. I have to say that they are quite old documentaries of the late 90s, the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century. And I find it difficult to find documentaries or current recordings of the installations.






The Chemtrails, related to the HAARP project involve the manipulation of the climate and the hydrological cycle through the manipulation of rain, storms, hurricanes and other meteorological phenomena by injecting aerosols into the atmosphere. They are anthropomorphic clouds or created by human beings that can be sown to create storms but also and mainly to dissolve them. For the dissolution of rains there are also rockets widely used by farmers who throw these chemicals into the clouds to dissolve them and prevent harvests from being harmed. What you have to think about is whether the chemicals that we send to the clouds to protect the crop are worse for the harvest and the human being than the storms themselves.


Chemtrails are composed of several chemicals but among them the high concentration of silver, barium, strontium and aluminum iodide stands out. According to many scientists, air personnel including pilots of the armed forces, biologists, chemists and experts from all fields Chemtrails are composed of chemicals not found in the natural state, formed by nanoparticles (nanometer is one billionth of a meter) of different compounds including metal such as aluminum that are breathed by all living beings and introduced throughout the natural chain through its scattering through the atmosphere of the entire planet. These chemicals in their natural state should be in small quantities or nonexistent and yet they are found in nature by soil or water analysis in much greater quantities than allowed.


Notable is the "Hearing on Covert Chemtrail Operation, Scientific experts testify" performed at Shasta in the United States on July 15, 2014. Numerous scientific experts, air and More testified about the Chemtrails in this Hearing. Some of the testimonies of this Public Hearing are among the experts that I will name below:


Some outstanding testimonies are:



– Kristen Meghan (Air Force Veteran):



She exposed the danger of these chemical substances, her job was the maintenance of healthy levels of chemical substances. By communicating to a superior her findings about the harmfulness of the quantities of chemicals harmful to human beings, he responded by threatening her with the life of her daughter. As she says in the interview with Global Sky Watch:


"Aluminum and barium are the metals we have found (and continue to find) in great excess in soil, rainwater, dust, and blood samples. These are the same metals associated with numerous patents, which describes the mechanisms and processes of injecting aluminum and barium into jet engines for the purpose of spraying them into the atmosphere; a process called "geoengineering" by scientists. This also explains why the public witnessed the sudden appearance of trails coming from jet engines which never produced them previously. "


Because they are not water or steam, they remain and expand like a chemical spray cloud and do not dissolve within a few seconds as a natural wake of water vapor.



– Ted Gunderson (Former Director of the FBI):



He was Director of the FBI for twenty years. In a video made on January 12, 2011 it says:


"The death dumps, where the chemical trails are, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe, I have not seen them in the United States, but in Mexico and in Canada. Birds are dying around the world Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world This is poison This is poison, This is murder by the United Nations This element in our society that is doing this must be stopped The planes are out of the Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the other plans are out of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.


I personally have observed the plans that were standing still in Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska - at the Air National Guard. They have not markings on them. They are huge, bomber-like airplanes with no markings. This is a crime: a crime against humanity, a crime against America, a crime against the citizens of this great country. The must be stopped. WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? This has an effect on their population, and their people, and their friends, and their relatives, and themselves. What's wrong with them? What's wrong with the pilots who are flying these airplanes and dumping this crap, this poison, on their own families? Somebody has to do something about it. Somebody in Congress has to step forward and stop it now. Thank you. I'm Ted Gunderson”.



–  Jeff Nelson: Pilot of the Air Force



He was a pilot of the United States Army and later for many years as a commercial pilot and flight instructor in the United States. He states that "The contrails, not the chemtrails but the contrails or condensation trails, occur because the cold air is minus 30, you have to be at high altitude like 30,000 feet or more. There is carbon dioxide and water vapor. That turns into ice crystals, those crystals heat up and disappear and never last more than a minute.


What we are seeing now and at first I could not believe it and I started to look at the skies and this is not natural, it is not normal. Something is happening. I do not know who is doing it and why he is doing it, all I can testify is that it is not natural and it is not normal”.



– Iraja Sivadas: Member, Union of Concerned Scientists:


"Airplanes making a condensation trail are very similar in many ways to when you go out on a cold day and when you exhale you create a trail of condensation, that small cloud is a condensation trail. Now, if you take a two-mile stroll by releasing condensation trails and you can go back and see all the trail left over the two miles. That's as crazy as thinking that what we see in the sky are "natural condensation trails created by water steam ...


There is a huge amount found (in the analyzes) of aluminum, because these chemical spills have aluminum, strontium, barium, manganese and there is a lot of discussion that aluminum is commonly found but aluminum is only abundant in mineral form but not floating freely everywhere or in the sky floating in elevated areas of the ground as we are finding. "


"We have clouds in the sky that we have never seen before. Almost every day I see clouds that I had never seen before. And N.A.S.A. He has even named some of these clouds. It is very interesting but N.A.S.A. It is a corporation. I want you to know that”.



– Francis Mangles:35 years working as Biologist for the United States Forest Service:


His work is based on analyzing the water and soil of natural parks. At a conference on Chemtrails in Shasta says that insect populations have descended a lot and that like "The previous speakers. I have observed exactly what they are doing and yes, they are correct. I have seen exactly the same.


Do you want some figures? Ok, in the last water test, the rain test gives 13,100 micrograms per liter of aluminum, this in November 2013. Normally it should be zero. So 13,100 is quite elevated gentlemen.


It used to be zero, then it went to 100 in the year 2000 and then since 2010 it's over 1000 and the last of 13,000. In the snow of Mount Chester, the pristine Mount Chester 61,000 micrograms per liter, four times the amount that we find in the ground. Where does this material come from if it does not come from the ground? "Since aluminum has not been in nature in a natural way except as a mineral that is extracted in certain areas. Therefore if it appears in the hydrological cycle of the water and in the soil it can only be spread from the sky with airplanes.



– Allan Buckmann - Former Military Meterologist / Fish:



"I am here to give you testimony that Chemtrails, they are not Contrails, are really real. They are spreading almost every day ... I have seen the clouds and I have seen the spreading and the program in operation.


I want to tell you that we are in serious danger due to the pollution that is falling on us and we have been deceived by the military industrial complex. And they are responsible for the creation of clouds and climate manipulation programs. Your covert operations. That's why they do not appear out there in the Media”.



– Mark McCandish: Industrial technician of the Ministry of Defense:



"N.A.S.A It has also carried out research programs in what are called "metallized fields" in which they are putting aluminum dioxide right in the area because it has two aluminum atoms and three oxygen atoms so in the combustion process it gives off all that oxygen And it increases the efficiency but leaves all that aluminum in the air.


The Air Force began a study beginning in 1993 that was called "In vitro toxicity of aluminum nanoparticles in the white cells of the lungs of rats". And what they found in this study is that if these particles if you are exposed for quite some time suppresses the ability of your white cells to defend you from air infections that may affect you. That is, it suppresses your immune system. "



– Dr. Steven Davis: Doctor:


"We have things falling from the sky and it's a big, big problem. Because while it falls, a couple of things happen. And that it is in fact in the air we breathe and while we breathe it will actually go to our nasals, to our brain, it facilitates access to our brain. Among the pollutants that have been identified and mentioned are aluminum. Aluminum is the number one free radical generator of the brain that causes early hepatosis which is early brain death. And it starts to damage the brain tissue that we call the mengula that is part of the cause of all alzheimers.


That is the number one problem because when we see the question of the alzheimerswe say: Those are the old ones. The real problem and the real fear I have is that since I am a father of two and I am a grandfather of three. So the drama is our children, the Attention Deficit Syndrome appeared in the 70s. The autism was not on the radar, there were no documents, there was no information, it was one in every one hundred thousand children. Today what we have is one in every forty-eight children.


It was part of the first group that was looking for aluminum in children with Attention Deficit Syndrome and all those children who started to develop these phenomena had high levels of aluminum. When we deluded protocols to detoxify them, to free their body of those particular contaminants, their brain came back. When we do this to the elderly, it does not come back so quickly but it will come back. But I'm seeing alzheimers now in fifty-six. Before the alzheimer is when you were eighty. "


We could continue like this eternally. There are experts in all fields. Many studies and analysis of samples in water, soil, humans and animals and plants and all say the same. To conclude I quote this article in which an anonymous scientific report is shown that corroborates the millions of testimonies from non-anonymous experts.


"Scientists discover the truth about chemtrails.


Scientists demonstrate through experimentation that the wakes generated by some aircraft are actually composed of a chemical substance: dihydrogen monoxide or DHMO.


This chemical compound is characterized by lack of smell, taste and color. Since ancient times its properties are known and in large quantities can be highly dangerous and can even become mortal. The ingestion of high doses of hydrogen monoxide can produce an excessive dilution of sodium in the blood (hyponatremia) and this stops the production of the antidiuretic hormone. In extreme cases irreversible cerebral edema may occur, commas, or even die by overpressure of the brain to the medulla oblongata. The excess of this substance by respiratory route is lethal, producing death by asphyxia.


"We were one of many skeptical scientists with the hypothesis of the chemtrails and that is why we decided to start this project, to demonstrate the truth in a definitive way and through the scientific method."


For the experiment they made they use of a meteorological balloon elevating it to an altitude similar to the one of those flights. Once placed in the trajectory of the chemtrail, the instrumentation analyzed the chemical composition. Also, toxic substances such as nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide were detected, although in smaller amounts.


"After several failed attempts we managed to hit and cross one of the clouds transversely."


No government has yet ruled on this and the team of scientists who carried out the experiment have chosen to remain anonymous for fear of possible reprisals:


"We fear for our safety since this discovery is likely to harm someone directly. Also, we do not seek fame or recognition, we only seek the truth. "


Affirmed one of the members of the team of researchers”.





Provoked earthquakes is possible as I previously mentioned about the laboratory experiments that the HAARP installation's scientists show. However, I would like to explain that these weapons used on tectonic plates or under the sea can produce dramatic effects as in fact happened with the tsunami of Japan in 2011. I explain in the chapter of false flag attacks that sad example. Although I have not been able to find evidence, I found many testimonies.


A typical feature of these artificial earthquakes is that they usually occur at very shallow depths. Something unusual in a natural earthquake. Another important fact is that some can be caused by the underground bases scattered around the planet of which so many military and experts in the secret space project speak about. From these bases I will speak more extensively later.





The Directed Energy Weapons are very related to the HAARP project and although I will explain them in the chapter of gang Stalking they have a lot to do with sending waves through the whole planet altering the natural cycles of the Earth. Because these waves, when sent, bounce back into the atmosphere and return to the earth, being able to be directed to specific places on the ground.


These microwave weapons can also be designed to be directed and fired at humans as I will explain later. I wanted to simply point out the relationship of these weapons with the HAARP project by using waves to alter certain areas of the planet. In addition to the relationship that these weapons keep with the Star Wars project of the United States Army from the eighties.






Although doubtful sources deny these programs of modification of the artificial climate generated by the humans. It is widely known and recognized by even countries like China openly throwing Chemtrails to stop the rains in the Beijing Olympics in 2008. And the sources are very numerous. Very reliable and there are many studies carried out in all parts of the planet showing the same pollution in land, water, living beings and air.


 – The Convention on the Modification of the Environment. Formally, the Convention on the Prohibition of Military Hostile Use or any other type of Environmental Modification Techniques:


It is an international treaty signed in 1977 in Genova in the United Nations that came into effect in 1978, prohibiting the military or any other use of environmental modification techniques, having extended the use of these practices for military purposes, for example in the Vietnam War with Agent Orange and having lasting and severe effects both on the environment and on human populations.






"Control oil and you control the nations. Control food and you control the people "


Henry Kissinguer



– Monsanto. Monopoly of production and seed deposits:



First I want to point out and make clear that among the Genetically Modified Organisms there are also many animals, mainly those used in the Food Industry. Including all types of fish and livestock. However, I will focus on transgenic crops rather than the genetic modification of living beings. Although both are of vital importance.


A simple question that I throw into the air. If we consume genetically modified organisms, will it genetically modify our own organism? We will see that the answer is yes. Could the consequences of that genetic experiment be seen in a lifetime, in a few years? We will see that the answer is yes. We will listen to those expert scientists who know later. Let's continue.


To talk about GMOs, we have to talk about the company that has the monopoly on these seeds: Monsanto. This company was founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny as a company dedicated to making additives, food such as saccharin and vanilla but a few years later is specialized in the manufacture of products from the Chemical Industry. Manufacturing PCB, becoming in the forties one of the largest producers. The PCB will end up being declared by the United Nations as one of the twelve most polluting products for human beings.


However, it will be for the manufacture of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War for which Monsanto will become famous, causing the death of millions of people and creating damage for generations both in humans and in the affected ecosystem. Likewise, its DDT insecticide, banned in many countries, has been shown to have caused much damage both to the ecosystem and to the populations that consume the products in which it has been sprayed, which in turn contaminates water and land. In addition, these insecticides are often thrown with small planes that in countries without regulation or control in safety regulations can fall on the farmers and breathe them. The insecticide was purchased many times in a pack along with the transgenic seeds. I recommend looking for reports of the effects on humans and the ecosystem of these two examples. Agent Orange and DDT. DDT "replaces" Roundup (glyphosate) also supposedly innocuous to the health of humans and animals. It was shown in 2004-2005 that it caused cancer and deregulation in the cell cycle and in other similar trials.


Wikipedia says that Monsanto "was a pioneer in genetic modification". Here I would like to name my great-great-grandmother. She was a peasant from a family of generations of farmers. She said when she saw the first crops of transgenic corn around the eighties, which were one of the first crops of this type, that corn grew very well, without pests or anything but that "killed the soil." Nothing grew around it and absorbed all the nutrients leaving it sterile. The transgenics have been banned in several countries around the world including eleven countries of the European Union.


It was as a result of a judgment realized in the United States in 1982 where the Supreme Court decreed that the Organisms genetically modified could be patented. This means that if an organism or living being was genetically modified (since not only plants but also animals are modified) it could be patented as property. This started a race across the planet to patent genes. To create an inventory of the planet's genes. This will lead to consequences such as certain medical studies cannot afford to study the cure of some diseases because the patent of a gene is the property of a company and to buy it may be cost a fortune. The current patent law may cause some fear because it says that "you can patent everything but a human being already born."


What happened is that Monsanto immediately began to buy all the seed deposits worldwide, which is where all the seed species of each country or region are stored. He also started buying all the seed companies to take over the monopoly of the market. And he started selling his seeds to farmers. Being patented, these plants, although they throw seeds cannot be planted by law to prevent farmers from saving the seeds, which in poor areas is essential for mere survival, what they did was to make genetically modified plants so that they would not produce seeds and thus force the farmers to buy each year a new crop.


Another method to force the farmers to buy the seeds every year and not save them for the next harvest is to insert into the crops a suicide gene that kills the plant after a life cycle instead of continuing to live years harvest after harvest and here comes at stake the BT. The BT (Bacillus Thuringiensis) is a gene in the plant that causes that the own plant generates an insecticide during all the vital cycle, supposedly only affecting insects. However, many studies of expert scientists have shown an adverse effect on living beings and on humans. The attentive reader at this point will not be surprised to learn that the Monsanto website responding to doubts about the negative effects of BT saying it is safe for health is almost an exact copy of the World Health Organization responding to the Same doubt.


All this, for European farmers who enjoy subsidies may not be a problem. But in poor areas where there is not enough money to buy seeds, it is essential that farmers can save seeds for the next harvest. And in many cases a matter of life or death. Peasants who because of a bad harvest or any circumstance cannot buy seeds will have to sell their property. Being bought by the big food corporations of monocultures and large estates.


I recommend, apart from hearing experts and scientific analysis, as many people have been persecuted for showing thae data and coming to light, as well as to watch certain well-known documentaries such as: "The world according to Monsanto", "What do we eat today? "," The powerful European agriculture "and to investigate in the subject in depth since, although this chapter is brief and all the others, many books could be and have been dedicated to this unique topic. This is vital to the planetary ecosystem and the present and future of all because there is much talk about the extinction of animal species but not about the extinction of plants and seeds.






As we have seen in this chapter, many diseases, including cancer, are related to these practices of modification of climate and living organisms. The extinction of bees, closely related to the chemical insecticides of Monsanto, is one of the many consequences derived from these practices that lack regulation by the State in many countries.


Many sources also denounce the use of vaccines related to certain diseases. AIDS according to Colonel Milton William Cooper, murdered in 2001 by officers who went to arrest him after being accused of tax evasion, is the author of the book "Behold the Pale Horse" where he exposes the area of ​​ufology in his relationship with the government, the Kennedy assassination and more issues about shadow government. Among them, he denounces the creation of AIDS as a weapon to extinguish the population by providing the names of the scientists involved.


The fluorine in the water would give for another book in itself but certain doctors also relate it to the emergence of many diseases. I invite the reader to investigate these issues in depth looking for scientific sources and expert studies that corroborate these facts.



